Stress and Insomnia

Teenagers and Acupuncture: Injury to Depression to Wellness

Teenagers and Acupuncture: Injury to Depression to Wellness

You do not have to be physically mature to benefit from acupuncture. Teenagers respond very well to acupuncture’s healing effects—and it can set them on a lifelong path to wellness. At Peninsula Acupuncture, the best alternative health care providers in the Mountain View, Los Altos, and Sunnyvale, CA, area, we often see teenagers whose parents…

Relationship Reset: Get Back the Ability to Cope

Relationship Reset: Get Back the Ability to Cope

People seek help from an acupuncturist for reasons other than physical pain. Acupuncture can also help alleviate mental and emotional issues, such as stress. Everyone gets overwhelmed from time to time, but it’s not unusual for someone to reach a point where they can no longer cope well with their stress. Experts recommend making lifestyle…

B Vitamins & Kava for Anxiety

B Vitamins & Kava for Anxiety

Why We Feel Anxious Anxiety is a natural process experienced by almost every animal on earth. When something threatens our well-being, the stress response takes action and gives us the needed boost to get us out of harm’s way—we call this the “fight or flight” system. Unfortunately, our stress response can become dysfunctional over time…