
4 Common Causes of Migraines
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4 Common Causes of Migraines

While most headache sufferers are aware of foods that cause migraines, there are some unexpected triggers you may not know about. Following are four common migraine triggers. 1. Food triggers Tyramines, an amino acid found in foods like aged cheeses (blue, cheddar) as well as aged and dried meat like sausage and pepperoni, can trigger…

Low Testosterone: A Practical Guide for Men

Low Testosterone: A Practical Guide for Men

Testosterone Supplementation in Men: Fad or Well-founded? The term used to describe declining testosterone levels in men as they age—andropause—is not really the same thing as menopause in women. That’s because the decline in male hormones happens over a longer period of time. According to the Mayo Clinic “testosterone levels gradually decline throughout adulthood —…